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  • #Release

Tapicker v5.11.8 released 🎉👏

Welcome to the release of Tapicker v5.11.8! This version brings many updates, and we hope you’ll enjoy the new features. Here are some of the major highlights:

  • Custom triggers: support timing, right-click and shortcut triggers
  • Custom code: support direct access to variables $args, $vars without adding ctx prefix
  • Make event proxy optional to fix Cloudflare captcha loop
  • Transformer "Extract" supports custom separators

Custom Triggers

From now on, you can run a recipe via a cron job, right-click, or keyboard shortcut. This greatly improves efficiency and completely frees your hands.


Custom Code

To make it easier, you direct access to variables $args, $vars without adding ctx prefix.


Event Proxy

When you click an element via script and enable the "Simulate" option, event proxy can make the interaction more human-like, thus bypassing anti-machine detection.

Previously, event proxy was always enabled by default. Now it is disabled by default, and you can enable it selectively.


Issues discovered so far:
If you are stuck on the Cloudflare captcha, please turn this off, reload the page, and try again.


Extract Transformer

You can now specify your own separator when extracting multiple results from text via regular expressions.


Suppose, there is a text as follows:

Hello Anna, Hello Ben

You extract ["Hello", "Hello"] through the regular expression /Hello/g.

It will eventually be concatenated with a separator to Hello,Hello. If the separator is #, the result will be Hello#Hello.