  • #Release

Tapicker v5.4.3 released 🎉👏

Welcome to the release of Tapicker v5.4.3. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include:

  • Add a Upload File function block
  • Add Read Clipboard and Write Clipboard function blocks
  • Append column names to @loops.L000.$value options

Add a Upload File function block

With this function block, you can automatically upload files in a web page. For example: upload pictures to ChaGPT.

set upload

The target element is usually input[type="file"]

You can add multiple files, it can be an online image (https://) or a local image (file:///)

Here is what it looks like when we successfully upload an image to ChatGPT.

image upload

Add Read Clipboard and Write Clipboard function blocks

As the name implies, these two blocks are used to read and write the clipboard. For example, click the Copy button on ChatGPT, and then you can use the Read Clipboard block to get the content from clipboard and assign it to a variable.

click copy button

You can set it up like below to get answer from ChatGPT, and then you can consume the Answer variable anywhere.

read clipboard


Append column names to @loops.L000.$value options

When you loop over a table's rows, the table's columns are automatically appended to $value, making selection easier.



In this update, we added 3 functional blocks, giving you the ability to upload files and read/write clipboard. We also fixed some bugs and improved the user experience.